Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Surprises 2012

And a good time was had by all......

Our Christmas gathering ends the pre-Christmas six-week session for the knit and crochet group at Caroline County Parks and Rec. Over the recent weeks we all made crocheted snowflakes, worked on a variety of tree ornaments and learned four different texture techniques that we will hopefully bring back in a future session. After some initial struggling, Doris surprised us all by making gobs of snowflakes to post on her church bulletin board. Her church members were delighted and she received a round of applause from us. About five people played with making a crocheted and then felted fabric from which they cut ornaments, including gingerbread boys. Barb's gingerbread boy was replete with pants and a camouflage shirt. It was also great fun to watch Selene construct a pointy, elvish hat for her little sister and then build a border of bobbles around it. Between the lessons, everyone continued to make projects of their own choosing: ruffly potato chip scarves, afghans and hats, and for Harriet, it was lace motifs. Carolyn became a notably prolific hat maker, combining knitting with crochet to make original hats for her grandchildren and then testing a couple patterns with very cute results. I can't wait for the next six weeks when we will actually focus on hats! But the conclusion of this session shouldn't go without notice.

We had talked of stopping early on week six, celebrating the season and sharing a festive snack. Then a couple of my ladies decided we needed to do more planning and they assigned each of us with responsibilities to make the food factor run more smoothly: coffee pot, napkins, music? What I wasn't aware of at the time was the people who took the lead in planning were my new people, the ladies who started coming to the class when I did. Under the radar were the women who had been coming for years to take lessons from an earlier teacher and they had a TRADITION! This wasn't going to be any wimpy cookies and tea affair. Without a word to the rest of us, our little snack turned into a delicious luncheon with chicken lasagna and a yummy veggie casserole with crumbles on top. Desserts abounded, of course and everyone had some version of her favorite beverage. It never occurred to me, either, that I would be remembered with a gift: enough generous sharing that I am already stocking up on patterns purchased online. All will be shared in that wonderful cycle of giving. Thanks friends! I have learned from you also. Especially that I should wear red for a Christmas party!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello,

    This is what I have been crochting.

  3. Cute! Is she finished? Are you going to attempt any of the others? I ran across Therese of Lisieux once when I was doing some writing. I'd like to read her biography sometime.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. No, I still have to make her Veil and shirt.

    But she is almost done!
